About us

Who we are


The purpose of io media studio and channel is to create audio visual videos, which will be online assets for businesses, non-profit organizations, and professionals. These will serve a dual function of ongoing promotion developing the presence online increasing viewers and members, getting Government grants and business sponsors for events, as well as business advertisers,  to earn residual intellectual creative property royalties in the split sharing of advertising commercials, subscriptions and pay per view transactions. It will strive for quality, innovation and authenticity of our ordinary daily reality. This will give the channel its human connection and value in society — a reflection of life and vice versa.


Using both mass media style with interviews, reviews and event sampler videos, plus collaborative and co-produced videos, io media will accomplish its vision with the combined efforts of businesses, non-profit organizations and charities, and professionals for the audio visual content and asset — the VOD video on demand and the AD advertisement commercial.  Non-profit organizations have cultural and educational value in society and charities have causes to help disadvantaged groups: disabled, poor, homeless, abused, sick, etcetera. Businesses offer employment and opportunity to people and will be the main funding source for io media channel. This video television channel will also commit to representation, training and employment of the underprivileged:  disabled, poor, homeless, victims, ex-convicts, minorities, immigrants, etcetera to give a view and a voice of our human stories; it will also allot 5% of total revenue towards charities. With the help of TVStartup the host portal, and Roku the distribution platform, io media the producer will showcase these videos for free viewing to the public, the members, the consumers.


This is a woman led brand channel featuring a collection of independent artist and community videos recorded from the female point of view:  it includes people and places in America, Canada and Philippines and online global contributions; the categories are the main subjects of interest: family and home, creative influences, occult and spirituality, and reality outside in a community network surrounded by government, public services, non-profit organizations and businesses. This is a female view point of videos, independent and alternative, in contrast with the male dominated corporate view point of most societies. 

io media brand started in 2007 in Toronto Ontario Canada and in 2023 is in San Francisco east bay area California America.  The private and public event videos collection was hosted in YouTube, Vimeo and Veoh and is now on television via TV Startup and RokuTV and viewable for FREE! It will soon be monetized as AVOD (Ads Video On Demand) with business advertisers commercials linked to the videos, to be split shared with the organizations and businesses, which host FREE public events and io media the video channel  producer, TVStartup the host portal, and Roku the distribution platform. To view on internet television, get a RokuTV television like RCA or a Roku Express device attached to a smart television, do a search for io media, add this independent channel, then view VODs FREE. Also viewable on computers and smart phones on the website  iomedia.tv.

HIRING Freelance and Subcontractors on video production project contracts:  Video Interviewers (remote or on site); Video and Ad Producers as Co-Producers (recording/editing); Video Camera Person for recording only on half/full day rates); Promoter Marketer; Website & Video Technician. Read page on W9/W8 contractor freelance positions. All positions require having a laptop, internet, and HD video camcorder, and portfolio examples of event videos and/or media interviews/reviews, with active social media: YouTube, Vimeo, Veoh, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, own website. All must have solopreneur independent skills: video recording, editing, uploading, submitting videos to io media channel.

Inquire via email to info@iomedia.tv or iomediavideos@gmail.com. or call / text 5104931746. 

Individual Professionals

Develop your professional unique influence and presence on television with video!

Creatives and professionals in various disciplines: visual, performance, music, crafts, law, healthcare, film, dance, invention, technology, design, stage, fashion, print, photography, poetry, pottery, etcetera — gain fame and fortune by promoting themselves on io media channel. Video sharing websites like YouTube, Vimeo and Veoh and your own website are free and accessible to everyone, viewable on mobile phone and computer. Now even television is accessible as another mass medium to increase your fans and followers and customers. 

io media is a video media studio channel, which focuses on events, community, business, and of course professionals and creatives. Through interviews and reviews at events, and soon online webcam too, the professional and creative process and output in arts, crafts and sciences become known to the public. Many imaginative and intellectual people exist, but to become famous — one needs to use mass media like social media, video sharing sites, news paper, magazine, radio, film and television!

Creatives and professionals can earn within the 2% pool of paid VODs. Please read Ad & VOD Rates and Payouts page to understand.

Non-Profit Organizations

Develop and grow your organization presence on television with videos!

Organizations Free Public Events 

Non-profit organizations often organize and host free member and public events outdoors and sometimes indoors because they get funding from government grants and public taxes, or corporate and business sponsors, and attract the public to their cause and join them. They usually have websites and social media accounts, but no video channel unfortunately. Thus io media produces videos of these events for channels on social media to help promote these organizations online: maybe get Government grants, increase memberships, attract business sponsors to their events, even fundraise online.

Split Share of Sponsorship Revenue

io media produced videos of free public events are useful for online promotion of organizations on social media and free video viewing websites, and now also on television! Videos give viewers knowledge about an organization’s events and develops online public presence, even without a business sponsor. Since 2007 to today 2023 io media records, edits and uploads videos on YouTube, Vimeo, and Veoh videos of free public events happening in cities. Now in 2023, thanks to TV Startup, these videos are also viewable on television via RokuTV on RCA and other television sets and Roku devices.

io media Channel Monetizes Videos on Television by pitching to potential business sponsors to pay for commercial ads to promote their businesses by ad insertions in videos on demand and on the loop stream. This means organizations event videos will be earning residual revenue and io media will split the revenue between itself and organizers/artists in the selected videos on demand. In general, io media being the main video producer gets 50%, government tax 30%, and organizations 5% in Pool Share A and/or 10% in Pool Share B if co-producers. Each business sponsor selects the videos on demand for their commercial ad insertions of 10 seconds, which will play before or after or in the middle for longer videos. Each business sponsor level pays a monthly fee and this is split based on the table below, depending on how many videos on demand are chosen per sponsor level. For their ad insertions: sponsor level one has one, level two two, level three three, level four four and level five five. These ad insertions can be on the same or different VODs, and each VOD can have two ad insertions — front and back, or more if longer than ten minutes in the middle too. Every VOD with an ad insertion will be on the daily loop stream.

 Split Share of Sponsor Ads in Percentages and Dollars

Please read Ad & VOD Rates and Payouts page to understand.

If an Organization has a free video produced by io media, it can earn in the 5% residual pool A.

If an Organization or Non-Business Entity  video pays and chooses io media as its co-producer, it can earn 10% residual in Pool Share B, if already previously accepted by io media channel, and the video is selected by a business sponsor for its ad insertion. 

Note:  video for RokuTV is mainly for promotion of organizations and artists and there is no guarantee that a business sponsor will choose the vod for its advertising. Every business sponsor selects the vods for its insertions and that is when the commercial ads form for ad sponsor and selected vods will be filled out and signed by the participants. For future RokuTV ad insertions with bigger businesses, there will be ad share changes.

Note: io media video production services prices will be posted to compare with competitors.

Note: video must be exclusive on io media channel only. No cross posting in other media channels.


Develop and grow your business presence on television with commercial ads on event VODs and even your own business VODs!

Business Commercial Advertisements on VODs

One Year Contract Monthly Fees for all business levels regardless of views. This provides a steady presence on television via io media channel and TVStartup on RokuTV, and on computers  website iomedia.tv. Commercial ads are limited to 15/30/60 seconds per selected VOD and on the loop stream. Business sponsor selects the videos for the insertion of their 10 second ad: before/pre-roll or post-roll/after or if vod is longer than 10 minutes, then possibly in the middle of the VOD. 

NOTE: Contracts and terms are per year, but posted rates may change any time for those not in contracts.

Ad Insertions in a Video On Demand are 15  seconds only, and placed: before, after, or in the middle, if the video is longer than 10 minutes. Sponsor selects the VOD for their ad. Each insertion placement is counted and a selected 10 minute VOD might have 2 insertions: before and after; and more insertions for longer VODs.

Ads in Live Loop Stream Playlist will be 15/30/60  seconds and are simply the above ad insertions in selected VODs and included in the loop stream. There are daily different loop stream themed playlists with all sponsor ad VODs included among the other VODs in that daily theme. Loop playlists are 4 to 6 hours long and repeat 4 to 6 times daily. Each ad insert is played daily depending on the business sponsor level for frequency; higher business levels in general are inserted more frequently daily. Theme Live Loop Playlists are: Money Monday, Tunes Tuesday, Why Wednesday, Twisted Thursday, Famous Friday, Social Saturday and Speech Sunday.

Ad Frequency estimation on a daily 24 hours is based on the business sponsor level.  Higher levels in general are inserted more frequently daily on the live loop playlists. On a VOD, each time a viewer clicks on the VOD, the embedded ad insert will play before or after the VOD or in between the longer VOD, but is dependent on the viewers. On the live daily loop themed playlist, which is between 4 to 6 hours long and plays 4 to 6 times in 24 hours, the ad inserts are randomly inserted among the VODs for that day, depending on the business sponsor level — more inserts for higher levels. 

Ad Bumping is if a higher sponsor level selects the same VOD, it can bump the lower sponsor off to the back of the VOD or to another VOD.

Website Directing in the webtv site, business sponsor website will be visible on their chosen VOD description.

Business VODs

Sponsor Video as a VOD will be 1 to 5 minutes under category Sponsors Speak for Themselves.

Business Events will be co-produced with io media and be just another VOD video on demand.

Business DIY do it yourself product demonstration and assembly will also be co-produced with io media as a VOD.

Business Scripted Show will be co-produced with io media and include product inserts and locations as part of the VOD show with a story. These vidmercials/tvmercials/filmmercials will add meaning and value to a product or service or location in reality. 

Business Advertiser Sponsor Forms must be filled with payment. Businesses should have a Government registered business name and number, and tax number.
Payment for business commercial ads is via email on PayPal, Zelle and Interac payable monthly.

Businesses have to contract with io media to produce/co-produce the commercial ad and video on demand.

Business VODs can also earn residual payouts within the 3% pool. Please read the Ads & VOD Rates and Payouts page.


io media channel produces videos and ad commercials, promotes videos on its website and on television, and pitches videos to businesses to become advertisers to earn and splits the revenue between itself and organizers/individual professionals in the chosen videos on demand. Request a W9 form with io media EIN if you plan on contracting io media to produce a commercial ad or video on demand.  Businesses interested in sponsoring specific organizations could contact the organizer directly and sponsor by paying the tent and table fees at their public events and websites.