Easter and Spring are times of resurrection and growth spiritually and environmentally. Coincidentally, io media channel will now grow its online internet television and mobile phone presence by adding its app in more platforms: Apple, Amazon and Android, plus iOS and Android. Thanks to paying TVStartup, its video host after a week of negotiation with their sales team, io media channel will hopefully increase its viewers and business advertisers with more apps. By mid-April, these internet platforms should have io media app to download.
Online websites usually have online payment for credit cards to facilitate the financial transactions. io media has a business checking account in Fremont Bank, ditto a business Mastercard with its partner. This means that it can pay and be paid via paper check and wire transfers. Payments with phone and email via Zelle, Interac and Cashapp are not yet available for business, only personal. An online merchant and credit card payment website link is still pending.
Networks for information sharing have been added with io media profiles: Patch news, NewsBreak, Yelp Business, Yellow Pages Canada, and Better Business Bureau. These will help promote io media by sharing information in reviews, news, interviews, articles, comments with the public and customers. Visibility and transparency with honesty, both positive and negative can lead to growth because both compliments and complaints from the customers and the public are meant to improve a business, IF it knows how to accept and change what is needed to satisfy customers and public.
April should continue promotion of io media to become known. So far these methods have been tried: the USPS EDDM Every Door Direct Marketing delivered some post cards; Patch news with Classified ads in Newark, Fremont and Union City; Bark for paid leads connections to potential customers; plus a WomElle online podcast interview and magazine. More target email marketing to small businesses will have direct business to business connections. The goal is a mutual promotion and connection online and in reality to the public, between io media, businesses, non-profit organizations, charities and professionals. This is part of being a community online and in life, supporting each other for mutual success and progress!