Roku hosted its annual conference Roku Developer Summit online via Zoom. For io media, a video to television channel producer publisher/ social media, most of the information from the speakers were for the technical backend for television app development. io media is paying monthly fees to TVStartup for video hosting as the tv app developer to transition the videos to television. Anyway, maybe Roku should also host a Producer Publisher Summit to encourage more content developers and social media video producers to try streaming videos on television via Roku.
Future io media produced videos of events and shows will have variations in VOD speeds — normal to fast to slow as well as 3D video television VODs using the method of red and cyan lines. At this point, most of the videos of io media dating back even from 2007 to 2023 are converted to the required mp4 format, but the standard definition remains only standard quality, the recommended high definition quality is now the required norm, and the 4k definition is downgraded to high definition.
The streaming on the internet television is based on file formats, definition quality, equipment servers, and internet strength of receiver equipment — television, computer and mobile phone. The potential of viewer market is global, wherever there is internet available, so it would be worthwhile for io media channel to continue expanding along with Roku.